Instructions for Listening to Self-hypnosis Recordings

Make sure that you are sitting or lying down comfortably in a room where you will not be disturbed. Headphones will give you a higher quality of auditory experience but are not required.

Know that you can always open your eyes and come wide awake at any time you desire. You will always be aware of outside noises and what is going on around you. DO NOT LISTEN TO SELF-HYPNOSIS RECORDINGS WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY.

Give yourself time to experience the entire meditation for maximum beneļ¬ts.

You can listen to this self-hypnosis relaxation meditation as many times a day as you desire. The more frequently you get used to relaxing with this meditation, the easier it will be to let go and drift into a deeper state of total relaxation. Self-hypnosis is a natural frame of mind and will not feel any different than a deep relaxation.  

There are many levels of self-hypnosis and it is normal to experience subconscious resistance to positive messages that push against negative underlying beliefs and inner attitudes.  If you feel very relaxed and experience an irritating sensation like itching, a need to cough or swallow, a muscle twitch or you just feel irritated, try to become aware of what that message is and work with it on a conscious level as well.  The more often you listen, the faster the negative beliefs will change. 

You can listen to self-hypnosis recordings as you are falling asleep. Even if you feel you fall asleep quickly, the subconscious is still listening. It is primarily the conscious part of the mind that checks out. It is an excellent way to achieve better sleep as your body is able to relax and release the stress of the day, it fills your mind with positive thoughts so you are not ruminating about work or negative aspects of life, and you will feel more refreshed when you wake. Just before turning the recording on, tell yourself you will drift into a pleasant state of relaxation and at the appropriate time you will drift into a deep relaxation and calm, drifting into sleep at the appropriate time and waking in the morning feeling rested, relaxed and refreshed, ready to start your day.

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